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261 results:
Europäische Evergreens
Christos Katsioulis · IPG-Journal  
22. United States  
[confident and introverted] The United States plays a pivotal role in European security, primarily through NATO and Article V of the NATO Washington Treaty. The latter guarantees that, should…  
23. United Kingdom  
[re-orienting and engaged] The United Kingdom has a long colonial history and is a nuclear power with global influence. It is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and a…  
24. Ukraine  
[disappointed and defiant] Since gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine has undergone a profound transformation. The 2004 Orange Revolution marked the first major uprising…  
25. Russia  
[assertive and entrenched] Russia re-emerged when the Soviet Union fell apart 30 years ago. During that period it has sought status parity with other global powers, especially the United States.…  
26. Poland  
[aspiring and hesitant] Poland historically has been caught between Eastern and Western powers. It endured partitions in the eighteenth century, occupation during the Second World War, and…  
27. Latvia  
[supportive and cautious] Latvia’s independence and democratic transition after the fall of the Iron Curtain and its 2004 EU and NATO accession marked its return to the European community after…  
28. Kazakhstan  
[neutral and distanced] Kazakhstan, strategically located between Europe and Asia, is rich in natural resources, such as oil, gas and uranium. After gaining independence from the Soviet Union in…  
29. Italy  
[conflict-averse and diplomatic] Strategically located in the Mediterranean, Italy is a founding member of both NATO and the European Union. Its post-war recovery was driven by a strong…  
30. Georgia  
[forward-looking and balancing] Georgia has a complex blend of influences from both Europe and Asia. Since gaining its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Georgia has pursued closer ties…  
Search results 21 until 30 of 261