Security and Climate

The climate crisis threatens our existence. This has been a consensus among scientists for years. Nevertheless, the public's awareness of the urgency has only increased in the last few years. On the one hand, more and more extreme weather events can be more precisely attributed to climate change. On the other hand, the "Fridays For Future" movement has emerged, which has made the climate crisis a relevant political issue. The crisis is not just an environmental crisis. It is also a threat to states' stability, peace, and security. The consequences of the climate crisis have implications for foreign policy.

The climate crisis pushes for international cooperation in a geopolitical system competition that is currently intensifying. This competition must not make the necessary cooperation in overcoming the climate crisis impossible. At the same time, climate policy is also foreign policy, and the significant imminent changes (decarbonization, energy transition) are not in isolation from this geopolitical competition. The challenges are national, European and multilateral.


Russia‘s stance on climate change

Russia‘s stance on climate change

How can the EU engage Russia on shared climate change challenges amidst the current geopolitical climate? This publication first examines Russia's climate policies and motivations through an analysis of official... More

Climate Security and Europe

Climate Security and Europe

Climate change is one of the key security risks for people in Europe and worldwide. This perspective discusses the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine on climate policy and political efforts towards climate security.... More

Klimasicherheit und Europa

Klimasicherheit und Europa

Der Klimawandel stellt eines der zentralen Sicherheitsrisiken für die Menschen in Europa und weltweit dar. Diese Perspektive diskutiert die Auswirkungen des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Klimapolitik und die... More


In our video series „5 facts” you get an understanding of climate security in Europe. We highlight different aspects of the topic like energy security, the war in Ukraine and climate change. Based on these videos we invite you to engage in the debate about climate security.

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