Projects: Overview

Security Radar

Security Radar

Our flagship study on European security, based on regular representative opinion polls in different OSCE countries. So far, the Security Radar has been conducted in 2019, 2022 and 2023. The 2023 edition examines public attitudes to Russia’s war against Ukraine in four key EU countries and draws policy conclusions. The 2025 edition is coming soon. More

Security and Climate

Security and Climate

The climate crisis threatens our existence. This has been a consensus among scientists for years. The crisis is not just an environmental crisis. It is also a threat to states' stability, peace, and security. The consequences of the climate crisis have implications for foreign policy. More

Fresh Look at Eastern European Trends

Fresh Look at Eastern European Trends

A FES-initiated network of young open-minded experts who specialise in security and cooperation in wider Europe. More

Security and Media

Security and Media

Covering international affairs and security policy in Europe is a challenge these days, especially in times of foreign policy crisis. We want to face up to these challenges and discuss with journalists, experts, politicians and consumers, and ideally develop solutions to improve better, analytically sound and multifaceted reporting. More

Conversations on European Security

Conversations on European Security

Stopping the war in Ukraine and rebuilding peace in Europe will have to be carried out at different levels, covering a wide range of issues and involving a number of actors. This project identified several elements that need to be considered. The Peace Matrix outlines the multidimensional nature of the security challenges in the OSCE area and provides an overview of the different pieces involved and how they inter-relate. More

Model OSCE
In cooperation with the OSCE

Model OSCE

A cooperation project with the OSCE – an initiative that aims to build confidence and strengthen dialogue between young women and men with different backgrounds and empower them by enhancing their knowledge and skills on OSCE principles, values and processes which they can apply and promote in their respective professional, political and civic engagement roles. More

Thinking Ahead: Russia Beyond 2024

Thinking Ahead: Russia Beyond 2024

What conditions will shape the run-up to the 2024 presidential election in Russia? What type of leader is likely to emerge—if, indeed, a leadership change takes place? These are the questions at the heart of the scenarios. More

Getting out from "In-Between"
In cooperation with RAND

Getting out from "In-Between"

The RAND Corporation is organizing a Track II initiative to identify avenues for building an inclusive regional order in post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia. While the competitive dynamic between Russia and the West has come to a head in Ukraine, all of the so-called "in-between" states are in fact objects of competition among outside powers. More

Visualising Military Capabilities

Visualising Military Capabilities

Europe's security landscape has undergone significant changes following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, reigniting fears of military conflict and emphasizing the need for enhanced European defense capabilities. Amid concerns regarding NATO's resilience and potential U.S. disengagement, assessing the military strength of European allies has become crucial. This initiative aims to provide accessible data and detailed maps to facilitate public engagement in discussions about Europe's security future. More

Perspectives 20-30
In cooperation with the OSCE

Perspectives 20-30

An initiative to provide a platform for young women and men to formulate and discuss with decision-makers a vision for how a safer future in the OSCE area could look by 2030 and beyond. More

Cooperative Security Initiative
In cooperation with GLOBSEC

Cooperative Security Initiative

The Cooperative Security Initiative is designed to generate ideas and shift momentum in favor of cooperative security and multilateralism through the OSCE in order to build a safer Europe. More

Foresight Ukraine

Foresight Ukraine

Look into the future and open your mind: “Foresight Ukraine” offers for scenarios regarding Ukraine’s development up to 2027. Scenarios are one approach for dealing with an uncertain future, especially if one lives in very turbulent times. More