
A U.S. Betrayal Is Surreal for Europeans

Security Radar 2025 · New York Times

Current transatlantic relations are reminiscent of the 1993 horror film Body Snatchers to New York Times journalist Farah Stockman. In it, the protagonists slowly realise that "the people they love have been replaced by monstrous doubles. Part of the panic comes from not knowing who can be trusted, and realizing how exposed you can be when an ally becomes an aggressor". She goes on to quote data from the Security Radar 2025, arguing that even prior to Trump's re-election, about a third of Germans, Italians and Britons considered the United States a threat to peace and security in Europe. "Those numbers are bound to rise as the Trump administration’s open contempt for longtime allies comes more fully into view. Many Americans want to retreat from the world, but their leaders still feel entitled to be the boss of it. More than half of Republicans and nearly half of Democrats said they either didn’t know which part of the world the United States should focus on — or they wanted no focus at all on anything outside their own borders, according to the survey. Conditions are ripe for Europe to be abandoned or shaken down for protection payments. "

Read the full piece here


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