
Conversations on European Security

Peace Matrix

With the current announcements for direct US-Russian talks, the focus is on the war in Ukraine and the possible negotiations for a ceasefire. However, the resolution of this conflict alone will not be enough; broader tensions between Russia and the West also need to be addressed.

Restoring European security depends on a fair settlement of the war in Ukraine, the establishment of robust security guarantees, and the implementation of arms control and confidence-building measures along the NATO-Russia contact zone. Reaffirming the fundamental principles of the OSCE is crucial to building a strong foundation for any future European security order.

Identifying policy goals is the starting point, which we aim to achieve with our Peace Matrix, the result of a common project of FES and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. It illustrates the complexity of the situation, some of the issues to be discussed and the involved actors. I am taking the liberty of sharing it with you in the hope that this matrix offers inspiration for improving security and revitalizing key aspects of the Helsinki Final Act in Europe.

In cooperation with GCSP – find Walter Kemp’s full analysis of the Peace Matrix in the current SHR Monitor.

Read more about the project Conversations on European Security and our Peace Matrix here.


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Cooperation & Peace

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