
Closer economic cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU; comprised of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan) is desirable. It can serve as a platform to overcome the current stalemate between Russia and the West, lift common neighbourhood countries from their unsustainable »in-between« status and enhance the well-being of all participants. 

Engagement between the EU and the EEU can serve as an economic path to peacebuilding and should run in parallel to the political resolution of conflicts such as the Minsk II process. So far, the unresolved crisis in Ukraine has been the biggest political obstacle preventing a formal dialogue between the EU and the EEU.

EU-EEU dialogue could be a preliminary small step towards solving more complicated political crises in Europe. It has the potential to contribute to the establishment of a common and indivisible EuroAtlantic and Eurasian security community as outlined by the OSCE Astana Declaration of 2010.


Time to let down the drawbridge

Dienes, Alexandra

Time to let down the drawbridge

Why engagement with the Eurasian Economic Union is in the EU's best interest
Wien, 2020

Download publication (1 MB, PDF-File)

Prizyv k sotrudničestvu

Dienes, Alexandra

Prizyv k sotrudničestvu

Počemu Evropejskomu Sojuzu sleduet načat' dialog s Evrazijskim Ekonomičeskim Sojuzom
Wien, 2018

Download publication (1,4 MB, PDF-File)


Dienes, Alexandra


Why the European Union should talk with the Euroasian Economic Union
Wien, 2018

Download publication (1,3 MB, PDF-File)

European defence cooperation and procurement strategies should prioritise industrial autonomy, where feasible, particularly in areas such as munitions production, cyber capabilities, and next-generation defence technologies. This approach would not only enhance security but also foster economic and technological innovation in Europe.


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