
New publication: Options for EU engagement in the South Caucasus: a reality check

Alexandra Dienes · Marylia Hushcha · Sabrina Kaschowitz

The EU can be a source of positive change in the South Caucasus if it contributes to regional cooperation, connectivity and conflict resolution.

Regional cooperation is the key to a more stable and interconnected South Caucasus. Based on extensive fieldwork, Alexandra Dienes, Marylia Hushcha and Sabrina Kaschowitz explore how the EU can play a meaningful role in this complex region despite existing constraints.

The paper looks at the EU's potential to promote economic and environmental cooperation, focusing on investments in the Middle Corridor to improve connectivity as well as sustainable water management. By prioritising stability, socio-economic development and intra-regional cooperation, the EU can have a tangible impact without antagonising key regional actors such as Russia, Turkey, Iran and China.

Another key message is the EU's ability to contribute to peace-building efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan. While not acting as an official mediator, the EU can support dialogue at different levels and pave the way for conflict resolution.

Read full publication here.


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